About Van Williams

Born too many years ago, I always lived close to nature. I’ve been chased by cows, just about stepped on rattle snakes and camped out in Tuolumne Meadows under an umbrella of stars.
Experienced living and traveling in an RV for over 4 years in my younger years. This allowed me to visit anything between Vancouver Island & Sydney NS, Canada in the North and Cancun & Chiapas, Mexico in the South. With many more places still to discover.

Inseparable from my Labrador mutt and constant companion, I’m always looking for dog-friendly places to go, most often far away from life in the city. My pooch Joey, loves the beach, boat rides and long hiking trails and so do I.
The Tiny House movement defined my desires to reassess my life, scale back, live with less, enjoy more.
Love the outdoors, but with age, increasingly more comfort too. With the van I’ll return ‘to my roots’, when I traveled North America from the most exquisite, remote camping spot to even more beautiful dispersed camping areas, with private (well, actually public) access to some of the best of what the American Heritage has to offer.
“It’s About The Journey, Not The Destination!”